A Hospitality Story

Recently I wrote a piece in which I lamented the condition of the hospitality industry as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. As of this writing, the economy is cautiously reopening around the country, including in both the hospitality industry and in the state of New Hampshire.  

However, it is also becoming clear there is a correlative rise in Covid infection rates following the reopenings. Whereas there is strong public sentiment to address both the public health and economic health of the nation and state, finding a satisfactory calibration benefiting both sides simultaneously still appears elusive. 

New Hampshire’s economy relies to a significant extent on the hospitality industry. This is not only to serve the state’s nearly 1.4 million residents, but to provide a backbone for the state’s lucrative tourism sector. Deterioration of hospitality services such as restaurants, hotels, resorts, amusement parks, theaters, and sporting venues will negatively impact tourism. The state of New Hampshire’s economy simply cannot afford to have that happen. Of course, we also cannot tolerate an adverse turnaround in the infection rate given the relatively favorable handling of the epidemic thus far in NH compared to many locations. 

Salvaging and rebuilding hospitality requires a management and employee workforce with agility, creativity, and resourcefulness exercising ingenuity and moxie beyond what has been required during past garden variety economic downturns. To get a sense of what this determination and imagination looks like on the ground I had the opportunity to converse with Lexi Townsend, owner of the Corner House Restaurant and Bar in Center Sandwich, NH.  

Lexi’s story is not only inspiring given the range of obstacles with which she was suddenly confronted, coupled with the ongoing originality she has had to muster to keep her business alive, but her situation and responses provide a glimpse into the kind of resilient decision making required to not only save a business, but an industry. 

Lexi Townsend is a long-term hospitality professional with restaurant experience that includes work as a server, host, manager, and owner. Most of her career has been in management of fine dining establishments in both urban and rural settings. Just before Governor Sununu mandated restaurants were to no longer accept on-site patrons in mid-March her chef resigned. After the shut-down order nearly all her service staff followed stay-at-home orders from the state government. 

Not wanting to close the business Townsend and one of two remaining employees took on chef duties and facilitated curbside pickup takeout orders from their website’s menu. Knowing many Squam Lake residents were shut in she offered local area delivery of both bulk and prepared food items. Many of these deliveries were done dockside, giving the service a Lakes Region flavor.  

Other events included “Feed the Frontline” serving care staff from Speare Memorial Hospital and a drive-through Mothers Day/Memorial Day barbecue involving community volunteers. 

Looking ahead to reopening, Lexi knew she needed to rebuild her server team. Offering employment and housing for J-1 visas to foreign nationals was considered, but that is now banned by the president. Instead, she has begun piloting a junior service program to train young staff members with limited server experience. Knowing the importance of safety, comfort, and visual communication she has purchased transparent face shields for servers in lieu of masks. The expectation is patrons need to feel not only secure, but also want to be understood and consoled by seeing the faces of their servers. 

Overall, Lexi is optimistic for the future of her business. Although her expectation is that once the Paycheck Protection Program is concluded the economy will plunge further. Nevertheless, she believes her restaurant’s good reputation and obvious commitment to survival will sustain the business. A new chef was recently hired and plans for a safe and enjoyable in-house dining experience are underway. 

Lexi’s advice for her fellow hospitality providers going forward is to persevere above all.  Be mindful of changing times, be adaptable, and know customers want protection in addition to a rich experience. Also, to understand and to accept recovery will take a long time. 

No question, these times are a stress test. Working smarter, not just harder, is essential. 

After the Pandemic

As I write this essay the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 is ongoing. This pandemic is breaking all of the rules. Among them is the enormous impact the contagion is having by upending national economies and the day-to-day lifestyles of many millions. To a greater extent however, we are being shaken from our oblivious slumber to suddenly find ourselves facing long term consequences of how global functioning and our individual lives are to continue as a result of this catastrophe. Unlike most news events in the modern era that seem to captivate attention dramatically, but briefly, before being swept aside by the next story this pandemic may well be a catalyst for changes in how the world’s citizens perceive priorities and policy strategies for years to come.

What strongly strikes me about the Covid-19 pandemic, aside from the conspicuous fear of contracting the disease, is that this may be an opportunity to jolt us from our provincial and staid world view, immersed as it is in a belief of limited repercussions for our actions, to rather an acceptance of the likelihood that we all share a much larger and more intricately woven realm of causality. Covid-19 serves as an example of a harsh lesson—the proverbial knock upside the head. It is a natural, albeit perverse, environmental phenomenon profoundly impacting our collective environment and forcing us to reorient how we live. We are being summoned to pay attention to something bigger than ourselves. Let us heed the call.

Our lives have always been subjected to the whims of nature. The conventional claim these days among environmental activists and other less strident observers is that we are witnessing, if not participating in, a growing tension between humans and nature. Certainly the data on climate change suggests a transformation is underway in the human-nature relationship. If we accept the premise that humans depend on nature, and given the power of humans to effect environmental change, that nature depends on humans, then the quality of this interaction becomes increasingly significant. As this insidious virus makes clear, mutual co-dependence of humans with their environment is worth a public re-examination and debate about how best to proceed, because something is evidently amiss.

Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2), a type of Coronavirus that is similar to but characteristically different from flu virus, has been introduced into the human population with devastating consequences. An examination of how and why this has happened will help us to see if indeed this pandemic is part of a larger story about how we humans intercommunicate with the planet. And this story, along with any conclusions we may draw from it, can inform us about what are more sustainable and beneficial practices we could or should pursue moving forward.

As you may remember from a science class somewhere in your past there are tiny life forms known as microbes or microorganisms. Bacteria is the most commonly referred to microbe, but there are others. What all microbes have in common is that they are very small and are all comprised of cells. In fact, some are only one cell in size. Their purpose is to play a critical role in the overall health and richness of a biome and to a larger extent of an ecosystem.

Viruses on the other hand are a whole different kettle of fish. Think science fiction alien-like, ahh, thing. They have been creepily described as existing on the margin of living things. They are 1/100th the size of a typical microbe and not comprised of cells. Instead, a virus or virion is a collection of genetic material that encodes proteins. It is encapsulated by a protein seal and exists in one of two ways—either in a dormant state just ready to strike when a vector or host comes along or it becomes “alive” once it infects the hosts’ cells and begins executing its genetic codes, resulting in a rapid reproduction of itself. But of course, despite its treacherous demeanor, we shouldn’t forget that viruses are here for a good reason. By transferring genes they promote genetic diversity, similar to the role played by sexual reproduction. Life on this planet inherently needs adaptability in order to survive and horizontal gene transfer, what viruses do, helps life fulfill this need.

A clear big takeaway from the Covid-19 pandemic is that nature can still pack a wide-ranging punch, even to a population who thinks of itself as seasoned, sophisticated, enlightened, and prepared for anything. It can be useful to remind ourselves that epidemics and pandemics have occurred before and some fairly recently. History is replete with real-life horror stories of communities ranging from towns to civilizations being decimated to one degree or another by such invisible killers.

For example, during the war between Athens and Sparta around 430 BCE the besieged citizens of Athens fortified themselves behind what were called the “long walls”. The overcrowding over time is presumed to have led to a not yet definitively identified pathogen outbreak among the people. Impaired mental functioning, inflamed eyes and organs, bloody throats, and foul breath preceded death. Approximately 100,000 died.

Perhaps the most well know historic pandemic was The Black Death, also remembered as The Plague, which killed nearly half of Europe’s population roughly during the years 1346 and 1353. A now likely extinct bacterium was transmitted from fleas on infected rodents, causing death from Asia to Europe. The disease followed the Silk Road route. Once infected rats who stowed away on merchant vessels to the Mediterranean and Europe offloaded the sickness spread widely.

More recently, the so-called Spanish flu (1918-1920) killed perhaps up to 100 million people around the world. It came in three waves with the second wave in the fall of 1918 being the deadliest. The Asian flu in 1957 and 1958 killed 116,000 Americans. I could go on.

It is a fair hypothesis to state that environmental degradation and mishandling will lead to unintended and severe consequences, such as pandemics. Some would say we’re past hypothesizing as evidenced by measurable and demonstrable adverse ecological conditions of recent times. Given our obvious inherent fragility two questions naturally arise: Should we be interacting with nature in a more intentional and respectful way that ensures or at least improves the chances of better lives for all people? And correspondingly, how do we best mitigate and prepare for environmental disruptions that negatively impact our lives?

We can examine the veracity of the above supposition by seeing if there is a link between environmental deterioration and social welfare. Before proceeding let’s be clear on definitions. Environmental degradation includes: reduction of high quality life sustaining natural resources such as air, water, and soil; destruction of ecosystems; annihilation of habitats; wildlife extinction; pollution or the introduction of deleterious impurities into the environment. Social welfare includes those universal objectives that bring value and excellence to life such as: health and longevity; sustenance and abundance; peace and safety; freedom and equality; literacy and knowledge; or as Thomas Jefferson succinctly put it, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If a causal link can be established between human activity that leads to environmental decline or disruption and the worsening of social welfare, then we have highlighted an urgency and potential outline for constructive policy making, business practices, and individual behavior going forward.

Now is an optimal time to look at the factual information showing a connection between how we interact with nature and what She does to us as a consequence. As I’ve indicated, Covid-19 should be seen as a wake-up call. It’s impact has been so substantial that there is no question all of us are now paying attention. What is most evident is that a novel virus has arisen and penetrated our world. How exactly this happened is still being examined as of this writing, however epidemiological and genetic evidence points to it being very similar to a bat coronavirus seen in China and that a transfer from bats to intermediary animals and then to humans occurred. A California microbiology professor Kristian Andersen directed a team looking into the virus’s genesis. Their conclusion, “We propose two scenarios that can plausibly explain the origin of Sars-CoV-2: natural selection in an animal host before zoonotic [animal to human] transfer; and natural selection in humans following zoonotic transfer”. In other words, new pathogens are likely to continuously undergo evolution in the animal world and they can transfer to humans who can serve as adequate hosts.

On the surface zoonotic transfer appears to be a naturally occurring process, albeit a potentially dangerous one. However, as the line between the habitats of wild animals and the human world becomes increasingly porous as a result of greater human encroachment we may be boosting the chances of zoonotic transfer and therefore of the disease risk associated with it. For example, this wet market practice being practiced in some parts of the planet, in which live animal species are interacting unnaturally due to human commerce may be extremely hazardous. Given how localized outbreaks can become global so quickly in the modern era, the danger of such markets should be called into question despite their cultural history and local importance. Developing sound methods of engaging with wild animal populations that reduce instances of harmful zoonotic transmissions would seem to be lesson #1 from this disaster.

Given the severity of the Covid-19 disruption to our lives it’s natural to yearn for a “return to normal”. Let’s unpack what normal was just a few short months ago. Edward Cameron is an Irish climate scientist and strategist living in Vermont. His description of the month before the pandemic started in earnest, also fondly remembered as “normal” times, is useful to contemplate. Commenting on stimulus money being spent by governments in reaction to the public and economic threat of Covid-19 he wrote in May 2020, “There will be a temptation to seek a return to the economy as it was on 31 December 2019. Should we spend these trillions of dollars and succeed in rebuilding the stock market, while still living in a world where more than 3 billion people live on less than US$ 2.50 a day? Should we grow GDP back to pre-crisis levels and still live in a world where 22,000 children die each day due to poverty and 805 million people worldwide do not have enough food to eat? Should we put people back to work but still live in a world where 750 million people lack adequate access to clean drinking water—killing an estimated 2,300 people per day? Should we resuscitate the price of oil and commodities and continue our long march towards climate catastrophe? Would we call that success? Would that world be a better world than the one we have now?”

Point taken. Going back to normal has a downside. Of course, we all want the security of living with familiar comforts and predictability. Such consolations provide us with happiness and mental health. Yet, it’s worth keeping in mind as we yearn for familiarity that many benefits come at an ecological price not often considered and these rewards are not as widely shared as we might like to think, thereby creating unresolved social tensions. A critical fact about epidemics historically is how they expose vulnerabilities in what had been normal prior to the scourge. These weaknesses inherent in societies’ living standards and political decisions are where infections take hold and tragedies ensue. Compounding the grief is the realization that while microbes and viruses seek to exploit soft pockets made available by human practices, it is those most at risk from these customs who bear the greatest brunt. We see this being repeated with Covid-19 as the infirm, poor, disadvantaged, and elderly are infected and die at the highest rates.

There are many like Edward Cameron calling for this crisis to be a moment of opportunity for ushering in a better world. Profound social changes have often followed epidemic disruptions. History shows social perspectives are altered impacting religion, economics, politics, and lifestyle habits in the aftermath of large-scaled cataclysms. Sometimes this leads to massive improvements like the loosening of the Roman Church’s dictatorial hold on Europe following the Bubonic Plague or what can result is disastrous such as the rise of the Nazi Party subsequent in part to the Spanish Flu pandemic. It’s naive to think there will not be a momentous reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic. The quality of the response depends on the excellence and persuasiveness of thought leaders and political talent.

An emerging line of reasoning hoping to direct the post-pandemic effort connects issues that often are viewed as separate challenges, specifically poverty, wealth inequality, and environmental devastation. Many of us first saw this amalgamated approach with the progressive left’s Green New Deal. The proponents of this process advocate for going really big, by tackling a range of environmental improvement and social welfare concerns, even racial injustice, all at once. The claim is there is an inherent inefficiency in tackling these problems separately or in a siloed manner. For example, if the focus is solely on emissions reduction to reduce global warming at the expense of addressing how agriculture, a leading emitter of particulate emissions, feeds the world’s population, then progress on favorable change is curtailed.

Despite the impassioned argument for going big with a set of multiple reforms simultaneously I’m left questioning the political practicality of initiating too sweeping of a reform movement all at once. An energized opposition is likely to become too much of an impediment, resulting in no substantial change occurring. To be clear, each component of a Green New Deal-type plan—poverty, wealth inequality, equal opportunity, and environmental devastation—seeks to remedy a critically pressing concern. And viewed holistically, a thread can be found linking these issues. However, making legislative progress on any one of these in isolation is a herculean task. Instituting meaningful policy on all of them together in a single comprehensive move seems like a very heavy lift indeed. So, whereas I can appreciate the desire to link environmental and social action at a policy level, the legislative impediments arising from this strategy could very likely weaken and dilute the attempt.

That said, I nevertheless find Cameron’s reference to socio-ecological resilience to be quite informative and promising. To be more specific, I find the term ‘resilience’ appealing, especially in the context of strategic resilience, which I believe is his intention. Progress, innovation, and change don’t happen unless there is an underlying ethic of reflection, preparedness, agility, and risk taking. These are traits that often seem to be in short supply among many groups of people, including those of us in the “first world”. Resilience as aptly described by Cameron pertains to the development of capability “to anticipate, avoid, accommodate, and recover from shocks”. Such thinking is in line with business continuity planning, a most useful and proven approach to executing strategic resilience. Business continuity planning is a systemic process designed to minimize threats, recover from disruptions, and maintain operations with just the right balance of sustainability and adaptability to allow for ongoing functionality. Covid-19 lays bare societies’ agility and viability vulnerabilities worldwide. A more premeditated methodology built around strategic resilience will better prepare us for the dangers and disorders yet to come.

“The main part of preparedness to face these events is that we need as human beings to realize that we’re all in this together, that what affects one person anywhere affects everyone everywhere, that we are therefore inevitably part of a species, and we need to think in that way rather than about divisions of race and ethnicity, economic status, and all the rest of it.”  Frank M. Snowden, a professor emeritus of history and the history of medicine at Yale University. Professor Snowden articulates what is the greatest challenge for us to customize a post-pandemic world. It is not just waging a fight against invading pathogens. It is not immediately halting all ecological ruination. It is not instantly remediating the effects of world poverty and injustice. It is finding a way to work together, to find common ground, to forge partnerships across diverse and opposing ideologies and world views that take us collectively to a place of harmony with nature and universal social well being.

Political divisions will always be with us—and they should be. As much as Washington and Adams warned the young American nation about the drawbacks and pitfalls of partisanship our early countrymen quickly resorted to establishing institutions whereby like-minded people sharing political positions and philosophies could coalesce and compete. Bias and partiality drives politics in every nation in one form or another and varying levels of cooperation and animosity facilitate or diminish government action and decision making in each of these places. Rhetorical conflict can result in progress or not. In the best of situations leadership quality and citizen enlightenment merge to discover solutions that elevate conditions for the greatest number of people. It is not the eradication of disagreement that is needed, it is the crafting of positive options from the scrum of our differences that is called for more than ever in the post-Covid world.

“With all the riots and BS going on, I’m starting to miss the days of the #chinesevirus at least that was laughable nonsense. Where did all that go?” Conservative contributor to Twitter from New Mexico. 

“I’m never wearing a mask…We ruined the economy for nothing.” Conservative contributor to Twitter from Washington, DC.

“Let’s all be honest. Democrat Governors all over the Country let criminals out of prison so they could show up for the riots. The plandemic was the lie they told. These riots were planned right down to the bricks.” Conservative contributor to Twitter from California.

The above quotes were taken from my Twitter feed on June 3, 2020. For the past week the nationwide protests have been occurring following the videotaped murder of an African American man by a white Minneapolis police officer. I could of course add many many more quotes of this type, but I think these make my point. There is a significant segment of America who dismiss and don’t accept the urgency of attacking a viral pandemic raging through their country. Can you imagine these folks rallying to combat climate change?! Whereas the marketplace of competing ideas yields the best solutions, as I’ve noted above, there does come a point where paralysis can set in due to unbridgeable chasms of opinion. We may very well be a this point.

I purposely follow a lot of conservative contributors on Twitter to help give me a sense of what this part of the population is thinking. Granted, Twitter seems to be a platform where MANY extreme views from the right and the left make their instantaneous presence, and despite the velocity of these well caffeinated and provocative conjectures, it may not be any more of an accurate reflection of mainstream viewpoints than any other source. But it is informative nevertheless, to read the thoughts of those who I do not encounter on a daily basis in real life. My grand takeaway is becoming that America is not only profoundly polarized politically, but now appears to be such a large and unwieldy country that to think of coalescing around a national purpose of any sort these days looks to be pathetically unrealistic. It makes thinking we can tackle threats that require national unity, rational problem solving, and concerted effort fanciful. And to be fair, the left can be soundly obnoxious themselves, particularly on the extreme end of the wing. Together our partisan palsy puts all of us at greater risk of mishandling future natural epidemics at a time of accelerated globalized change. This is not smart people.

The fundamental test therefore lies in comprehending, on a near universal scale, the common ground on which we all stand. Doing so involves a mind-shift toward seeing the world through everyone’s similarities, shared purpose, and sense of oneness. Of course there will be differences of opinion and perspective. But where is it written that any nation need cleave itself over these contrasts and disagreements? We should make clear to ourselves that collectively we can achieve greater liberty and prosperity for everyone by adhering to principles of equality in justice, brotherhood, and multicultural acceptance. I’ll drag out a banal, but incisive phrase—there is more that unites us than divides us. Or perhaps, we can simply listen to Desmond Tutu, “My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”

Finding common ground with those with whom we have disagreement does not start with sending links to articles highlighting one’s point of view, or by pointing out “incontrovertible” data, or by quoting experts in science, economics, education, and so forth. It starts with identifying shared values. We all live in communities we want to be prosperous and safe. We all want the best for our kids. We all want the freedom to live life as we choose. We all want to live long comfortable and flourishing lives. At our roots, we are moral, emotional, social, and intuitive, not rational. Reaching each other over how we feel about issues will forge alliances more than trying to get ourselves to think alike. Debate at a cognitive level can often be fruitless outside of a university-like setting. We think what we want to think. But appealing to our widespread sentiments of what feels right provides greater hope we can build coalitions.

Working within the framework of one’s civilization can reveal beneficial touch points in trying to find common humanity. Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist in Virginia recognizes care, fairness, liberty, loyalty, authority, and sanctity as supporting morality, which I’ll define as a culture’s sense of right and wrong. Exploring these areas with the goal of intentionally establishing areas of agreement among disparate people allows us to seek agreements and reach accord. Understanding the moral interests and human nature of others is the place to reach them. Developing trust makes it easier to agree on win/win approaches. When we figure out an improved way of collaboratively merging reason and intuition we will have a greater chance of productively connecting to face incoming environmental and social challenges that we will surely face together in the future, whether we are ready for them or not.

Covid-19 should be seen more as a forewarning than as a one-off unexpected cataclysm. We are being alerted to not only future pandemics, but to a range of calamities that can result from the lack of congruence between humans and nature, including the efficacy of how science and governments respond to these threats. Will we snap back to a normal goaded by pent-up demand as Pilita Clark in the Financial Times describes as spending, “…money we don’t have, on things we don’t need, to create impressions that don’t last, on people we don’t care about?” or will we be guided by a desire for preventative science-based planning and funding that is cooperatively engaged across disparate agencies, departments, businesses, and even nations? Resisting the fratricidal tendency many people have to express hate, xenophobia, and scapegoating when faced with fear, as these forthcoming scourges will likely engender, could be our biggest obstacle to the necessary teamwork such times will call for. If so, this will be enormously difficult.

All times are a stress test of one sort or another each with their own zeitgeist of idiosyncratic incitements that make or break the people of their age. The grand conflict of our epoch is integrally enmeshed in the quality of the relationship between the earth’s dominant life form and their planet. We have had a shot fired over our bow. The time for awareness and resolve is on. How we engage this struggle will determine the kind of world we bestow upon or deprive from future generations. Whatever turns out to be our legacy we cannot say we weren’t warned.

Ron Jacques, Teacher and Scriptwriter

Ron Jacques of Laconia, New Hampshire is a professional educator. He has been a dedicated, caring, and hard working teacher of middle school students covering the subject area of Social Studies for many years. Ron’s interest in the components of Social Studies carry into his personal life as well. He is well versed in history, civics, politics, and geography. Conversations with Ron are often stimulating and enlightening.

As a devoted instructor Ron is among those teachers who go above and beyond to deliver quality education to his students. An example of this commitment is displayed in this segment of Guest Writings. The First Shots in Boston is an original play written for seventh grade students and performed annually by Ron’s classes. Enjoy peering into the how the fortunate students of Ron get to learn about American revolutionary history and the literary format of script writing—all while having fun.




Lydia Seider, Christopher Seider, Verity Stewart, Lance Corporal, Private Charles, Constance Taylor, Crispus Attucks, George Thatcher, John Wilson, Ebernezer Richardson, Thomas Knox, Robert Patterson, John Gray, Peter Woods, Patrick Walker, Robert Smith, Nicholas Ferriter, William Warren, Hugh White, Edward Langford, Henry Knox, James Bailey, Richard Palmes, Patrick Keaton, Captain Preston, Governor Thomas Hutchinson, Samuel Adams, Henry Pelham, Paul Revere, John Adams, James Warren, and Edward Gerrish


Narrator: It is Thursday, February 22nd, 1770 in the city of Boston. Recently, the British government has sent 2,000 British soldiers to the city to help keep order and to enforce new taxes and trade duties. Not only do the soldiers annoy the citizens of Boston because they don’t like the taxes and duties, but adding 2,000 mouths to feed to a city of 16,000 is putting a strain on the city’s limited resources. Since the soldiers are not paid very well, they often try to take part time jobs away from local workers.

         There are three types of colonists in Boston: loyalists, who love being British and want to follow all of the rules of the British govern-ment; neutralists, who don’t like the rules of the British government but are afraid to stand up against them; and patriots, who don’t like the rules and want to do everything they can to fight against them even if it means getting in trouble and arrested. The patriots not only make life difficult for the British soldiers but they also make life difficult for the loyalists and the other people in the city who follow the governmental rules. As time goes on, tensions in the city increase.

         Lydia Seider and her younger brother Christopher are walking from their house near the Water Mill down Back Street, across Princes Street, and onto Salem Street. Walking with them is Verity Stewart, Lydia’s and Christopher’s cousin. Lydia and Verity are going to go practice cross stitching with Lydia’s best friend, Constance Taylor. Christopher is walking along with them to Princes Street on his way to protest at a loyalist’s storefront with a bunch of his friends. As they come to Princes Street, they run into two British soldiers patrolling the North End, a Lance Corporal and a Private.

Lance Corporal: Hold on, there! Stop and identify yourselves!

Lydia: We are just local children going to our friend’s house on Salem            Street. I am Lydia Seider, this is my brother Christopher, and this is my cousin, Verity Stewart. We mean no trouble!

Lance Corporal: I’m sorry, young ladies, but children like yourselves have been disrupting trade and commerce at local shops. It is our jobs to  bring an end to this practice.

Lydia: I assure you, our family is loyal to the King. We would never do such a thing!

Narrator: The Private and Verity exchange glances and smile at each other when they can do so unobserved.

Lance Corporal: I am not concerned about you ladies. You look like respectable young ladies and there have never been any girls your age at any of these disturbances. Your brother, however, looks familiar. (He addresses Christopher) Have you ever been to any of these protests?

Lydia: (Before Christopher can respond) We have no mother, Sir, and our father works all day. I must watch my brother all the time and I can promise you that he never leaves my sight. He has not gone to any protests!

Lance Corporal: (Looking at Christopher) Is that true?

Christopher: It is, Sir.

Lance Corporal: Fine. You can continue to your friend’s house. (He points at Christopher) But I have better not see you around town in the future without your sister!

Christopher: You won’t, Sir.

Lance Corporal: Very good!

Narrator: The Lance Corporal and the Private start walking again down Princes Street. The Private looks back at Verity as they move away.

Lydia: (Quietly to her brother) Stay with us to Constance’s house. Then you can go your own way. (Christopher nods)

Verity: Nice lie! Your mother’s dead?

Lydia: It worked, didn’t it? Those idiots don’t deserve the truth!

Narrator: They remain silent until they arrive at Constance’s house. Lydia knocks on the door and Constance lets them all in.

Constance: (Looking at Christopher) Why are you here? Are you finally going to learn to cross stitch? I knew you always wanted to. (Christopher replies with a smirk)

Lydia: We were stopped by soldiers on the way here. I wanted Christopher to come here until the coast was clear. They were total jerks to him! That Officer was very pushy! Christopher, wait here behind the door for a few minutes and then go wherever you’re going to. But be very careful! Promise me that you will keep an eye out for those two soldiers and stay away from them!

Christopher: I will. Don’t worry! I’ll see you at home this afternoon!

Lydia: Okay. See you then!

Narrator: Christopher waits a while behind the door before going out to meet his friends. Lydia, Verity, and Constance go sit down by the fireplace and take their samplers out of their bags. They begin cross stitching.

Constance: I hate having those soldiers here in Boston! Why can’t they just leave us alone?

Lydia: I don’t know! I hate them too! They just love to harass us!

Verity: Still, did you see that young soldier? You have to admit that he was kind of cute.

Lydia: I don’t have to admit any such thing! I didn’t even look at him! All I saw were a couple of lobsterbacks. They aren’t even men to me! I can’t believe you! All you think about are cute guys!

Constance: Really, Verity, I can’t believe you either! They’re the enemy!

Verity: They’re only doing their jobs. Besides, we’re all British. There’s no cute guys here in Boston! The King doesn’t seem to want to do us any favors, so the least he can do is send us some cute soldiers.


Narrator: It is later in the morning of February 22nd. Three men, Crispus Attucks, John Wilson, and George Thatcher, are playing cards in the crew quarters of a merchant ship sailing from the Bahamas to Boston.

George: Crispus, you’re from the Massachusetts Colony, aren’t you? You must be looking forward to getting back home tomorrow!

Crispus: Yes, I was born in Framingham. As far as my looking forward to it, my answer is “yes” and “no.” I have friends there but there are also dangers for me there. I worry that I could get impressed into the British Navy while I’m there. Things are so tense in Boston now! Anything could happen now that so many redcoats are there.

John: We’re all worried about impressment! Sailors like us are getting forced to sail in the British Navy against our wills all the time!

Crispus: Yes, but you know they won’t treat me the same as they would treat you!

George: You mean because you are African?

Crispus: African and Indian! That’s two strikes against me! We always have to do the hardest labor!

John: Is it true that there is a reward out for you, that you’re an escaped slave?

Crispus: Not anymore! That was twenty years ago! I heard my old master is dead now. I have been a freeman a long time now.

George: What are you going to do while you’re in Boston?

Crispus: Work as much as I can. I’ve got a job in a couple weeks on a boat going to North Carolina. In the meantime, I’ve got a couple of part time jobs I can do in Boston. I sometimes work as a rope maker and, if I can’t do that, I can usually work on the docks.

George: You’re going to North Carolina! That doesn’t sound like a smart move!

Crispus: I won’t be there for long. The ship I’m going on is going there to get a load of tobacco to take over to England. I’ll try to get on another ship back to the Bahamas. There is no place that is very safe for me these days. Being on the sea is the safest place for me, as long as I stay on small ships that do legal trade. I always have to be looking over my shoulder.

George: Tell me something, Crispus, is rope making very hard work?

John: Here we go!

Crispus: No, it’s really boring but it’s not hard work. It’s just braiding fibers together, there’s no heavy lifting.

George: That sounds good! Do you think you could bring me along with you when you go work at the rope maker? I need to earn some extra money in Boston, too.

Crispus: Sure! There’s usually plenty of work at the rope maker shop. How about you, John, do you want to go with us to the rope maker, too?

John: No thanks! I’m not going to be in Boston for more than a day. I’m going to go to Fall River and get on a whaler.

George: A whaler! Whaling is really hard work! And dangerous, too!

John: I know! I’ve worked on a whaler before! I’m okay with it!

Crispus: It’s got to be easier to do if you have done it before!

George: Better you than me!

John: Speaking of work, we should make sure the ship is rigged for the afternoon and the night. I’ve got to do the night watch tonight.

Crispus: Okay, let’s go!

George: You guys go ahead, I’ll be up on deck in a moment!

John: (Quietly, so George doesn’t hear him) We won’t hold our breaths waiting for you!


Narrator: It is still February 22nd, later in the day, and Christopher has caught up with his friends. They are hanging outside the dry-goods shop of Theophilus Lillie on Middle Street in the North End. Earlier in the day, a member of the Sons of Liberty put an “Importer” sign up outside the shop indicating that Lillie was not cooperating with the boycott of British goods. In other words, he was selling only goods that were taxed by the British government. Patriots didn’t like merchants who did this.

         Boys like Christopher and his friends would spend their days outside shops with the “Importer” sign posted on them and throw dirt, rotten food, and sticks at the customers coming out of those shops.

         The man living next to Lillie’s shop was Ebenezer Richardson. He was a well-known loyalist and informer. The Sons of Liberty hated him because he told British authorities that John Hancock’s ship was carrying black market goods.

         Ebenezer came out of his house and tried to tear down the “Importer” sign so they boys would go away. Before he could tear it down, the boys, including Christopher, starting throwing things at him. He ran back to his house to go back inside. Just before going inside, he looked across the street and saw two Sons of Liberty, Thomas Knox and Robert Patterson watching the scene with amusement.

Ebernezer: Perjury! Perjury! By the eternal God, I’ll make it too hot for you before night! (He went inside and locked the door)

Thomas: Come out! I’ll have your heart out, your liver out!

Ebernezer: (After unlocking the door and coming back outside, shaking his fists) You boys go home! Get out of the streets!

Narrator: Robert Patterson comes up to the front of the group of boys and picks up a rock.

Robert: Do your worse, boys! (He throws his rock. The boys immediately pick up rocks and throw them at Ebernezer’s house. Windows begin to shatter as Ebernezer goes back inside his house. Female voices inside the house can be heard screaming. A passerby, George Wilmot, runs around the back of the house to go in the back door and help Ebernezer.)

Thomas: Follow me, boys! (Thomas and a few of the boys run around the back of the house and start throwing rocks at the back of the house, too.)

Narrator: Ebernezer and George appear in the broken front window with muskets in their hands. The boys in the front of the house stop throwing rocks.

Ebernezer: You hit my wife and my daughters with your rocks! If you don’t leave now, I’ll make it too hot for you and, as sure as there is a God in Heaven, I’ll blow a lane through you! (The boys don’t move. They are shocked by this unexpected change in events. Ebernezer puts his gun on the windowsill and pulls the trigger. The pellets goes through Robert’s pants, through the hand of one of the boys, and through Christopher’s chest. Christopher collapses, wounded but still alive. He dies that night at nine o’clock.)


Narrator: Christopher Seider’s funeral was held at Faneuil Hall on Monday, February 26th. Two thousand people attended it. The city of Boston paid for it at the insistence of Samuel Adams.

         On Wednesday, February 28th, Verity is shopping for her family’s dinner at a popular North End marketplace. As she is waiting for a meat pie to be packaged up, a young man cautiously approaches her. It is the British Private who had admired her when he and his commanding officer had stopped Lydia, Christopher, and her on the morning of Christopher’s death. This time the Private is off-duty and in street clothes.

Private: Excuse me, your name is Verity, is it not?

(Verity turns to face him)

Verity: Yes. Do I know you?

Private: My Corporal and I stopped you and your cousins the other morning as you were walking to your friend’s house.

Verity: Oh, yes! Now I remember you. You look different when you don’t have your uniform on!

Private: The boy who was killed was your cousin that you were with, wasn’t he?

Verity: (Looking down) Yes.

Private: I can’t tell you how sorry I am about what happened! I feel horrible about it!

Verity: Thank you for saying so. It is tragic! It’s not your fault, of course.

Private: It is and it isn’t. It’s not directly my fault but it probably wouldn’t have happened if we weren’t here and our government wasn’t acting the way it is acting. I came here to Boston so I could see the colonies and to have some adventures. To be honest, it was the only job I could get! But sometimes, like now, I’m not very proud of what I am doing here!

Verity: I know what you mean. Sometimes, we all have to do things we don’t really want to do. Especially at time like these. Just know that I don’t hold you responsible! But I’m not sure the rest of my family, including my cousin, would agree with me!

Private: I understand. My name is Charles but my friends call me Charlie.

Verity: Nice to meet you, Charlie! I wish it was under better circum-stances.

Charlie: So do I. Do you come here to the market often?

Verity: I usually come a couple times a week. (The shop clerk hands her the boxed pie.)

Charlie: May I meet you sometimes and keep you company while you shop? Maybe we could get tea if you have time.

Verity: Okay, I guess. But only if you’re not in uniform. You under-stand, don’t you?

Charlie: Yes, I understand. It would be better for both of us to meet while I’m not in uniform!

Verity: Well, I’m sorry, but I’ve got to get home now. Hopefully, we will meet here again!

Charlie: Yes, I hope so! Good evening to you! Until we meet again!

Verity: (Smiling) Good evening to you, Charlie! (She turns and walks away)


Narrator: It is Friday, March 2nd and Crispus Attucks and George Thatcher are working at John Gray’s South End Ropeworks to make some extra money before they go back out to sea.

George: You’re right, Crispus! This work isn’t hard at all!

Crispus: You don’t find this boring?

George: I don’t care about boredom! I just want to do easy work and get paid for it!

Crispus: Well, we just starting doing this. Let’s see how you feel about this later on this afternoon.

George: We’ll see but right now, I’m happy with this work!

Crispus: I’m glad you’re happy.

Narrator: Three of their fellow workers, Peter Woods, Robert Smith, and Nicholas Ferriter, are standing by the open doorway looking out into the street. Peter sees a British soldier, Patrick Walker, going by the shop.

Peter: Do you want work?

Patrick: Yes, I do, by faith!

Peter: Well, go clean my stinking house. (Peter, Robert, and Nicholas laugh)

Patrick: By God, I’ll have satisfaction! (Patrick throws a punch at Nicholas but misses him. Nicholas doesn’t miss when he swings back. Patrick is knocked off his feet and his sword falls out of his coat. Nicholas, still laughing, picks up the sword and carries it into the shop to a rear storeroom.)

Patrick: Hey, bring that back! I need it!

Nicholas: You should have thought of that before you took a swing at me! (Patrick tries to follow Nicholas into the shop but John Gray, the owner of the shop, stops him)

John Gray: Hey, you, where do you think you’re going? You can’t come in here!

Patrick: He took my sword and I need it back!

John Gray: I don’t care if he took your underwear! You’re not coming in here!

Patrick: But what about my sword?

John Gray: Come back later this afternoon and I’ll see if I can get it back for you. Now leave! (Patrick turns around and walks out of the shop without his sword)

John Gray: Nicholas, bring me the lobsterback’s sword and get back to work!

Nicholas: Okay, boss!

Narrator: About twenty minutes later, Patrick comes back with twelve other armed soldiers and his commander, William Warren.

Patrick: I’ll have my sword back, now! (John Gray hands his sword back to him.)

William Warren: Why are these workers of yours abusing my soldier here?

John Gray: (Whispers to Peter) Go to the other nearby shops and tell them that we need help here! (Peter leaves and John Gray says to the commander) Your man here can’t take care of his own business? I told him I would give it back to him but we’re busy working here. He can’t just come in here to bother us!

William Warren: (To Patrick, pointing at Nicholas) Is this the one who took it from you?

Nicholas: He took a swing at me first!

William Warren: You probably deserved it! Didn’t you hit him back? You can’t assault a British soldier! I could arrest you right now!

Robert: Go ahead, try to arrest him! See how far you get! (He moves towards William Warren. A British soldier shoves him back.)

Robert: Keep your hands off of me, you lousy redcoat! (He pushes the soldier back. Now a few workers and soldiers get into a shoving and yelling match. Crispus starts to move forward but George grabs his arm to stop him.)

George: Hold back, Crispus! You can’t afford to get in trouble!

Narrator: Suddenly, several workers from other local shops show up at the door. Some of them come into the shop. Many of them are carrying clubs. William Warren sees them and realizes that he and his soldiers are suddenly outnumbered.

William Warren: Come on, men, we got the sword back. Let’s return to our barracks! (They work their way, receiving a few leftover shoves, out of the shop and into the street. A large number of workers follow them all the way back to their barracks.)


Narrator: Over the next couple of days, there are similar confrontations all over the city. It is now the evening of Monday, March 5th. Even though it is very cold out, bands of hundreds of rebels are wandering the streets, confronting British soldiers wherever they find them. British officers try to keep as many soldiers as possible in their barracks but some soldiers still have sentinel and guard duty.

         Private Hugh White, for example, is assigned lone guard duty in the sentry box outside the Boston Customs House on King Street. A nearby barber’s apprentice, Edward Gerrish, and a dozen other apprentices from local shops gather around White. They begin pressing in on him and he uses his musket to push them away. The town constable, Edward Langford, is nearby and sees what is happening.

Edward Gerrish: I think this is the scoundrel who knocked me down the other day!

Hugh: It wasn’t me! I’ve never seen you before!

Edward Gerrish: Liar! Kill him! Kill him! Knock him down! (Soon other apprentices join him in his pronouncements)

Crowd: Kill him! Kill him!

Edward Langford: Leave the sentry alone, boys! (To Hugh) Don’t be afraid! They’re only boys! They won’t hurt you! They may swear and speak bad words but they won’t hurt you.

Narrator: Edward Langford moves on down King Street. A couple of loyalist boys run back to the barracks to tell the commander there that Hugh is in trouble. Hugh White leaves his sentry box and goes to stand on the Custom House’s steps. This gets him out of the crowd but they begin to press in on him again. Young men like Henry Knox and James Bailey lead the way. Hugh White lowers his gun into a firing position to try to scare them off.

Henry: If you fire, you must die for it!

Hugh: If you molest me, I will fire!

James: Fire and be sent to Hell!

Henry: We should knock him down just for snapping at us!

Narrator: Now snowballs and ice balls are being thrown at Hugh. Someone runs to ring the bell in the Brattle Street Church. People begin pouring out into the streets because the bell was the warning of a fire. They soon realize that it wasn’t ringing for a fire but for a fight. Now the crowd around the Custom House grows to fifty to sixty men. At the back of the crowd, new arrivals include Crispus Attucks, George Thatcher, and a new acquaintance, Patrick Keaton. At the same time, a rescue party of eight soldiers arrive to help out Hugh White. The soldiers are led by Captain Thomas Preston. They push their way through the crowd using their bayonets. They form a line between the crowd and Hugh. Captain Preston stands before his men, right in front of the crowd. Crispus starts pushing his way towards the front of the crowd. George stops him.

George: Crispus! Don’t do it! You’re supposed to leave in a couple of days. You can’t leave if you’re in jail!

Crispus: I know but sometimes you just have to make a stand!

George: Now is not the right time!

Crispus: For me, it’s never the right time. I just want to stop being afraid all the time.

George: I understand. Please be careful!

Crispus: I will.

Narrator: When Crispus makes it to the front of the crowd, Henry Knox, James Bailey, and Sons of Liberty member Richard Palmes are already there standing right next to Captain Preston. Since the crowd knows that the soldiers are not allowed to fire on civilians without a Riot Act being issued, they continue to taunt and threaten the soldiers. They also continue to throw snowballs, ice balls, and even oyster shells.     

Henry Knox: (To Captain Preston) For God’s sake take care of your men for if they fire, your life must be answerable.

Captain Preston: I am aware of it! (One of his Privates points his bayonet at James Bailey, so Captain Preston says to him.) Leave him alone!

James Bailey: Why don’t you fire? You can’t kill us!

Richard Palmes: (Stepping between James and Captain Preston, he says to Captain Preston) Are your soldiers’ guns loaded?

Captain Preston: With powder and ball.

Richard Palmes: Sir, I hope you don’t intend on having your soldiers fire on civilians.

Captain Preston: By no means.

Narrator: Private Hugh Montgomery is standing next to Captain Preston. Someone throws a piece of wood and it hits Private Montgomery. As he staggers back, he raises his gun so it points at Crispus Attucks. Crispus grabs the end of Montgomery’s musket to point it away from his body. Private Montgomery, recovering from the blow from the piece of wood, realizes that Crispus had grabbed his gun so he tries to pull it back from him. The gun starts to point back up at Crispus when Private Montgomery pulls the trigger. The musket ball goes through Crispus’ lung and liver. He dies right away. Another soldier, Matthew Kilroy fires at the same time and his shot goes through civilian Samuel Gray’s head. Both of their bodies fall to the street.

Captain Preston: Why did you fire? (Three of his soldiers only heard the last word so they fired their guns. Another civilian, James Caldwell is hit in the back and dies. Soldiers begin to reload. Members of the crowd see this as their chance to do something.)

Patrick Keaton: Let’s go in upon them and stop them from firing again!

Narrator: The crowd doesn’t move fast enough. The soldiers get off a second round of shots. Civilians Robert Patterson, Christopher Monk, John Clark, Patrick Carr, Edward Payne, John Green, and David Parker are all wounded by the musket balls. Samuel Maverick, who is running away from the scene, is killed when a shot ricochets off of a building and hits him in the chest. While all this was going on, someone goes and tells Governor Thomas Hutchinson what is happening. He rushes down to King Street and gets there right after the second volley.

Governor Hutchinson: Where is the commanding officer?

Captain Preston: I am here, sir.

Governor Hutchinson: Why did you fire without a riot order?

Captain Preston: I was obliged to, to save my sentry.

Richard Palmes: Then you have murdered three or four men to save your sentry!

Governor Hutchinson: Captain, take your men back to the barracks and make sure they stay there! (All of the soldiers follow his orders. The Governor walks over to the Old State House across King Street and comes out on the balcony. From there, he addresses the crowd.) I assure you that justice will be done. I will live and die by the law. Now go home. (Reluctantly, the crowd begins to disperse. The bodies of the dead and wounded are carried off to places where they could be treated and taken care of.)


Narrator: Late in the afternoon, the day after the shootings, Private Charlie went to the same North End marketplace hoping to find Verity there again. Sure enough, she was there. Once again, even though he was out of uniform, he approached her cautiously.

Charlie: Good afternoon, Verity.

Verity: Good afternoon.

Charlie: Did you hear what happened last night? It’s all so unbelievable!

Verity: I know. I can’t believe it either. What’s going on here, Charlie? I mean, where is this all going to end?

Charlie: I wish I knew. Things are going from bad to worse so quickly. I fear the worst is going to happen.

Verity: What could be worse than last night?

Charlie: We could end up in a war!

Verity: No one wants that!

Charlie: I don’t know. I think some of the Sons of Liberty do.

Verity: (Angry) No, they don’t! (There is a moment of silence as they find themselves in disagreement)

Charlie: Anyways, I have something to tell you. It seems that the Governor’s Council and the town of Boston have demanded that all British soldiers leave the city and relocate on Castle Island. Things are just too hot for us in the city right now! We are going to start moving there tomorrow.

Verity: Oh, I see. That’s probably for the best.

Charlie: I know. But it means that I won’t be able to visit you here as easily. I didn’t want you to think that, if I don’t show up for a while, that it was because I didn’t want to see you.

Verity: Right. I appreciate you letting me know. (Suddenly, she spots Lydia also in the market. To make matters worse, she sees that Lydia has seen her talking to Charlie) Oh, no!

Charlie: What?

Verity: You remember my cousin Lydia?

Charlie: Yes.

Verity: Well, she’s over there and she saw me talking to you. You better get out of here before she recognizes you.

Charlie: Oh. Okay. I’ll try to see you again as soon as I can.

Verity: Okay. I’ll see you then! (Charlie turns and walks away. As soon as he is gone, Lydia comes over to speak to Verity.)

Lydia: Good afternoon, Verity! Who was that guy I saw you talking to? He looks familiar.

Verity: Well, I might as well tell you. You remember the soldiers who stopped us the morning that poor Christopher was shot?

Lydia: Yes.

Verity: You remember that I thought one of them was cute?

Lydia: (Starting to sound upset) Yes.

Verity: That was him.

Lydia: (Now she is very upset) Verity, you can’t be serious! My brother, your cousin, is dead and you’re hanging out with his murderer!

Verity: He didn’t kill Christopher! A Bostonian shot Christopher.

Lydia: Maybe not but he is protecting the government whose policies led to Christopher’s death, the very same policies that the Bostonian who shot him supported. (Verity looks down ashamed) What would our family think if they knew you were friendly with a British soldier? I know what my parents would think! And I think I know what your parents would think if they knew. (Verity suddenly looks up in shock.)

Verity: Oh, Lydia! Please don’t say anything to my parents! I beg of you, don’t say anything!

Lydia: Okay, I won’t. But you have to promise me that you will never see him again!

Verity: I promise! It’s unlikely I could have seen him again anyways because, according to him, all of the soldiers are being taken out of the city and being relocated on Castle Island. That’s what he was here telling me.

Lydia: Finally, some good news! That’s where they belong. Good riddance, I say. (Lydia and Verity leave the marketplace to go home.)


Narrator: City officials decided that the funerals for Crispus Attucks, Samuel Maverick, Samuel Gray, and James Caldwell should all be held on the same day, Thursday, March 8th. Families had little choice but to agree. The fallen four were martyrs, so they now belonged to everybody. Families could hold their own separate funerals but their four funeral processions had to come together on King Street where all four men had died. The four caskets would then be carried to the cemetery and laid in a common plot together next to the casket of Christopher Seider.

         Since Crispus Attucks had no local family left to make his funeral arrangements for him, Samuel Adams arranged for his funeral to be held in Fanueil Hall. Six pallbearers would be needed to carry his casket from Fanueil Hall to King Street and then to the cemetery. Since John Gray had been his boss at the rope making shop, Samuel Adams asked him to select the pallbearers.

         On Wednesday, March 7th, John Gray finds George Thatcher at Fanueil Hall silently showing respect next to the Crispus Attucks’ casket.

John Gray: Excuse me, George, may I have a word with you?

George: Of course.

John Gray: I’m glad I found you here. I have been hoping to see you before tomorrow. First of all, let me say, that I am very sorry for your loss.

George: Thank you. And for your loss, too. I didn’t know Crispus long but I knew him to be a good friend and a very brave man.

John Gray: I couldn’t agree more! You would consider yourself a friend of Crispus’ then?

George: Yes, I would.

John Gray: Good. I was wondering then if you might agree to serve as one of his pallbearers to carry him to the cemetery. I am also going to be a pallbearer. There would be six of us in all so it should not be a very heavy load for any of us. It should not be hard work.

George: I would be honor to! I don’t care how hard of work it is going to be, I will do it. I would carry his casket all by myself if I had to. Thank you for asking me!

John Gray: You’re welcome. I’ll see you here tomorrow then.

George: Yes. I will see you then.   


         Right after the event of the evening of March 5th, an artist named Henry Pelham made a drawing showing the event. The Sons of Liberty, including Samuel Adams wanted a picture like his that could be published in the other colonies to turn people against the British authorities. Samuel Adams liked Pelham’s drawing but felt it didn’t go far enough in condemning the British. On Monday, March 12th, Adams took Pelham and his drawing to the shop of another Son of Liberty, Paul Revere. Revere was an accomplished silversmith and engraver. He would know how to make Pelham’s drawing give the message they wanted it to give. Revere greets Adams and Pelham at the door of his shop.

Paul: Come in gentlemen! Have a seat.

Samuel: Thank you, Paul. Please allow me to get directly to business.

Paul: By all means!

Samuel: You know that we need to get some pictorial representation of this event, what Henry here calls a bloody massacre, out to the other colonists so they can see how ruthless the British are. (Turning towards Henry Pelham.) Henry please show Paul your excellent drawing.

Henry: I would be happy to. (He takes the drawing out of his pocket and puts it on Paul Revere’s desk.)

Paul: (Paul looks it over.) This is excellent! Well done.

Samuel: Paul, as you know, this picture cannot be reproduced but, if we had an engraving based on this picture, it could be reproduced many times. Could you make such an engraving?

Paul: Of course!

Henry: Your engraving could be similar to mine but it would be your own version of the event, right?

Paul: Yes. I always do my own work. Could you please leave this with me to inspire me? I promise I will return it in pristine condition.

Henry: Sure. When can I be expecting it back?

Paul: How about a week from now?

Henry: That’s fine. Now, if you will excuse me, gentlemen, I have another appointment I must get to. I can show myself the way out.

Paul: Great, and thank you so much. This is great work!

Samuel: Yes, thank you, Henry. I will talk to you soon. (Henry Pelham leaves. After he is gone, Samuel and Paul discuss the picture more thoroughly) So, Paul, what do you really think of it?

Paul: It really is good but it doesn’t go far enough. I can make slight changes to it that will get our point across.

Samuel: That is exactly what I was thinking needed to be done. I want to make it look like the Custom House is more involved in the massacre. (He points to the drawing.) You see here how he put a small puff of smoke coming out of one of the windows?

Paul: Yes, but just barely. I can make the puff of smoke larger and I can show the barrel of a musket coming out of the window. I can also change the name of the Custom House on its sign. I can change it to the “Butcher’s Shop.” Another change I can make is to add a poem below the picture. I’ll write a poem that criticizes Preston, his men, and any judges that might find them not guilty.

Samuel: Excellent! I knew that you were the right man for this job. Please remember that the sooner we get this out there, the more effective it will be.

Paul: I will get on it right away!

Samuel: Thank you. I’ll leave you to your work! I will also show myself the way out.

Paul: Fine! Have a great rest of your day!

Samuel: You also!


Narrator: It is now Wednesday, June 13th and with the British soldiers out of the city, life is slowly returning to normal in Boston. There is still tension in the city. The taxes are still being applied and most people still don’t like them. There are more arguments between loyalists and patriots but everybody is careful not to take the arguments too far. No one wants another incident like what had happened on March 5th.

         Lydia never told anybody about Verity meeting up with the British Private. She is still very upset about losing her brother to all of the foolishness that went on during the winter but she puts on a brave face. The girls still get together to practice their cross stitching.

         It had been over three months since Verity last saw Charlie. She has accepting the fact that she will probably never see him again. She’s not sure how she feels about it. On one hand, she is glad because she knows they couldn’t possibly have a future together. On the other hand, she misses the fact that he was a cute boy who showed some interest in her. They clearly had a connection. Verity is thinking these things as she makes her way through the marketplace. She looks up and suddenly sees Charlie coming her way. Her heart skips a beat as she is filled with mixed emotions.

Verity: Charlie, what are you doing here?

Charlie: I’m sorry but I had to see you one more time. I’m being transferred to New York so I doubt I will ever have the chance to see you again.

Verity: I promised my cousin that I would never see you again!

Charlie: This wasn’t your fault. It was never your fault. I was the one who always found you. You never came to find me. I just wanted you to know that I really think you’re special and I really care about you. And, I could be wrong about this, but I think you really care about me too.

Verity: Even if I do care about you, and I’m not saying I do, it would never work out between us. We’re on opposing sides in a conflict that shows no signs of letting up. Our relationship is doomed.

Charlie: I know. I’ve just have to know one thing and then I’ll leave you alone forever: Did you ever care about me?

Verity: I don’t know. I guess I did. I guess I still do. I mean, you seem like a very nice guy. I truly hope you have a long, happy, fulfilling life. I hope you find happiness, I really do.

Charlie: Thank you! And I hope the same for you. If we had only met in a different time, in a different place, things may have worked out for us.

Verity: Maybe so.

Charlie: Well, I guess I had better be getting back to my unit. Before I go, may I kiss you good-bye?

Verity: No! That is, I don’t think it would be a very good idea.

Charlie: A hand shake then?

Verity: A hand shake would be fine! (They shake hands.)

Charlie: Good-bye, Verity!

Verity: Good-bye, Charlie!


         Captain Preston surrendered himself to authorities on March 6th, the day after the shootings. The other eight soldiers, including Hugh White, the sentry, were all arrested shortly after to await trial. Three local lawyers, including the future second president of the United States, John Adams, were convinced to defend the soldiers at trial.

         Captain Preston was tried first and separately. His trial went from October 24th to October 30th, 1770. He was found not guilty of all charges because no witnesses said that they heard him say, “Fire!”

         The trial of the other eight soldiers went from November 27th to December 14th, 1770. Six of the eight were also found not guilty. Two of them, Hugh Montgomery and Matthew Kilroy, were found guilty of manslaughter because witnesses said they saw the two of them shot directly into the crowd. The two soldiers were punished by having their thumbs branded, then they were released.

         It is now Friday, December 21st. John Adams is at his home in Quincy. The stress of the trials of the Boston Massacre are over and it is almost Christmas so John Adams is relaxing. His friend James Warren has come up from Plymouth to visit him. They are sitting in Adam’s study discussing the events of the day.

James Warren: You know, John, I have the upmost respect for you and your decisions professionally but there is one question that I just have to ask you.

John Adams: Why did I recently defend the British soldiers?

James Warren: Yes. Why?

John Adams: As you know, I’m as opposed to the policies of the British government as any other of the Sons of Liberty. My opposition to the Stamp Act is well known on both sides of the Atlantic.

James Warren: The British must have been as surprised by your willingness to defend their soldiers as the Sons of Liberty were!

John Adams: Quite! Despite my opposition to the British, I firmly believe that all men deserve legal representation and a fair trial. Then, after seeing and hearing the evidence of the trial, I realized that the nine defendants were not to blame for what happened. I think any of us would have reacted the way they did if we were confronted by a mob taunting, teasing, and throwing objects at us.

James Warren: So are you saying that it was really the mob that was to blame?

John Adams: Not at all. They had every right to protest against the injustices inflicted upon them. Their actions may not have been appropriate, but they were not guilty of a crime.

James Warren: So if the soldiers weren’t to blame and the mob wasn’t to blame, who was to blame?

John Adams: The ones to blame were the British leaders who made the rules and put the soldiers here. As we all now, they aren’t going to let us put them on trial, are they?

James Warren: Not likely.

John Adams: There’s another reason why I did it.

James Warren: What’s that?

John Adams: If those soldiers had been found guilty and executed, to the rest of the world, we would have looked like the people in Salem who hung the witches. We would have looked like uncivilized heathens or cannibals. If this conflict with the King continues, we will need the support of other nations to help us and if we had executed those soldiers, other nations would think that we are unworthy of their help, that we deserve all of the hardships the King throws at us.

James Warren: And is there a lesson to be learned here?

John Adams: Yes. This massacre is the strongest proof that standing armies are dangerous. Whenever you put a standing army and civilians together, bad things are going to happen.